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We are convinced God wants his people to be generous and joyful givers and we are grateful for the many different ways that people give to us here at ACC. People are generous with their time, their talents, their kindness, their welcome to others and also with their finances. We want to make it easy for you to give financially, so this page explains how you can give.


Regular giving (Tithing)

We encourage and teach to give regularly to the local church, with tithing encouraged as a biblical principle (a tithe is a tenth of your income). This is primarily used to pay our staff, run the building and church activities and to support Mission (both local and further afield). You may choose to give in a variety of ways:


Set up a regular Gift or give online

You can set up a regular gift with your bank or give a one time amount. Our account details are as follows:

The Co-operative bank, PO Box 250, Delf House, Southway, Skelmersdale WN8 6WT

Sort code 08-92-99 Account number 65390674


Cash or cheque

These can be given directly into the offering during our Sunday Services (Cheques should be made payable to Alsager Community Church). Please get in touch with us if you haven't returned to in-person services to find out how you can give these ways. We do also encourage online giving.


Givt App

Giving is also available through the GIVT App. See the video an QR code below and get in touch if you have any questions...



Specific giving

Targeted giving can also be paid directly into our bank account. Please make a reference to the department you are donating to. For example, “ACSC”, “Missions”, “Foodbank”.


Gift Aid

If you are a UK taxpayer, the church can claim the tax you have paid on any gift, however big or small, whether a one off gift or a regular donation. This costs you nothing but increases the value of all your gifts by a huge 25%. The easiest way to do this is to contact us to obtain and complete a declaration and hand it to either a member of the Finance Team or to the church office.

Helpful tips:

  • Gift-Aid costs nothing and the declaration only needs to be made once, regardless of the amount or frequency of a donation
  • Each gift you make must be identifiable to you personally. If you give online or by standing order then this happens automatically. Cash gifts must be identified by using an envelope with your name included along with your donation.
  • If your husband or wife is also a tax payer and is giving, they will need to make their own Gift Aid declaration.
  • A Gift Aid declaration can be completed retrospectively as long as your donation can be identified.
  • Please be aware that in order to Gift Aid you must have paid sufficient tax. Please speak to a member of out Finance Team if you are unsure about this. 
  • Please notify us if you wish to cancel this declaration, if you change your name/address or if you stop paying sufficient tax


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